Let's Have Some Snacks: Baked Seaweed Fish Fillet
吃点儿零食吧: 烤海苔鳕鱼片

Participated in New Year Delights 2013 organised by Sonia, I am happy to "meet" so many bloggers who have passion in baking. Browsing through their attractive posts as well as their blogs, I am like a book lover who is in a library : running my fingers along the spines of books, stopping to pull titles from the shelf and reading them diligently. I have saved several recipes from this event and plan to try them someday (click here for the post I submitted for this event). Several of my cookies jars are empty now, but I have no time to bake more. Seaweed Fish Fillet caught my eye as it appears in several posts , and it's easy to make! I decided to bake this snack to top up my empty jars. They turned out as nice as expected. Crispy with slightly salty and spicy taste, seaweed fish fillet is a great snack you can eat when sitting on the couch and watching T.V...