Best Melt-in-the-Mouth Pineapple Tarts (Sonia's Recipe)

Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is still 20 days away, but Singapore is already getting ready for the Year of Horse. CNY decorations are all over the shopping malls, very pretty and impressive. As a home baker, it's time for me to bake CNY cookies. As usual, pineapple tarts are the top in my baking list.

This year, I decided to try a different recipe.  Actually, I saw this recipe from Sonia's blog (Nasi Lemak Lover) last year. She said it's the "Best Melt-in-the-Mouth" pineapple tart recipe. As I have already finished baking pineapple tarts with my own recipe then, so did not have the chance to try. 

A few days ago, Zoe from Bake For Happy Kids shared her experience of baking pineapple tarts with 3 popular recipes. One of them is Sonia's.  Zoe provided a comparison table with ingredients and method used in each recipe, and concluded that Sonia's recipe yields the best melt-in-the-mouth pineapple tarts.  Though I have never doubt "baking master" Sonia, now with Zoe's recommendation, I am 100% confident in this BEST recipe.  Thanks to Sonia and Zoe for your generosity in sharing this recipe. These pineapple tarts are the BEST that I have ever had.

Regardless what recipe you use,  nothing can be compared to homemade pineapple tarts. No trans fat, no preservatives, no colouring.  Are you ready for baking your own pineapple tarts?   Here is the recipe, tested and proven.

(Recipe from Sonia of Nasi Lemak Lover)


  • 350g butter
  • 100g (5 tablespoons) condensed milk
  • 510g plain flour
  • 2 egg yolks
500g store-bought pineapple filling

Egg wash
  • 1 egg yolk +1 teaspoon milk


Directions :
  1. Cream softened butter and condensed milk in a electric mixer. Add in egg yolk one at a time.
  2. Add flour, continue mix until it forms a soft dough.
  3. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  4. Take 1 tablespoon pastry and roll into a small ball . Flatten it using your palms.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of pineapple filling on the centre of each pastry skin and wrap it. Roll into a ball (patch with more pastry skin if needed).
  6. Place in a lined baking tray. Glaze with egg wash.
  7. Bake for 18-20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.
  8. Transfer to wire rack and allow to cool completely.


I am linking this post to Bake Along hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours, Lena from Frozen Wings and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids. This month's theme is Chinese New Year Cookies.


  1. Wish I could have one to pop right into my mouth right now!
    Looks wonderful!
    Thanks for linking!

  2. i hv tried this sonia's tart recipe too and happy with it too. Thanks very much for linking your cookies to bake along.

  3. Yes yes yes!!! ... that this is my best enclosed pineapple recipe that I have tried so far. I'm happy that you like them too :D


  4. What a way to celebrate Chinese New Year. My son was just asking me last week what the year of the horse meant.
    Thank you for stopping by and linking.

  5. Hi

    May I know how many teaspoons/tablespoons make 100g of condensed milk ? Thanks.

    1. I think 1 tbs is 15g, so about 6.5 spoon?

    2. I measured 100g last time, and then used normal tablespoon to transfer, it's about 5 spoons. Checked website, 100g liquid is 1/3 cup, 5 tablespoons.

  6. Hi, what type of milk should I use for the egg wash?

    Thanks for the recipe! Can't wait to try ;)

    1. Hi, I just use fresh milk. If you dont have at hand, just use 1 teaspoon of water to replace.

  7. great recipe, the tarts taste really good! thanks for sharing.

  8. hi, can i replace condense milk with fresh milk? thanks xx

    1. You can, but you have to change the ratio of the ingredients. You might want to refer to another pineapple tart recipe in my blog, which use water instead.

  9. tried it yesterday!although i did a mistake by adding the eggs after flour, it still turn out great!! thank you for the recipe! <3

  10. hihi can i cut out the dough? or is it solely for this rolled pineaplle tarts?

    1. The recipe is soley for enclosed pineapple tarts.

  11. Baked these for my boyfriend and he loved it. The recipe was simple even for %#@# cook like me:) Im only good at cooking in papas games, lol in real life.... not so good. Anyway, thanks agaio, love this blog!

  12. Hi Renee,

    Glad you love the recipe. It's a keeper to me too.

  13. Hi, can I ask what brand of store bought pineapple filling did you use? or which brand would u recommend?

    1. I usually buy from Phoon Huat. Red Man brand

    2. Thank you. will try it.

  14. Hi, i just made the tart today. It taste good however it looks bad. I would like to ask for some advise. My dough was soft and crumpy, is it supposed to be so? What did i do wrong? When i bake, the bottom of the tarts are burned but the top was ok with some cracks. Why is that so? Should i glaze the egg wash on the whole tarts or top only? Sorry for many qns, i just started learning to bake.

    1. The dough should be soft yet can hold the shape. If not, maybe you need to check the measurements. Did you put your baking tray in the middle rack in the oven? If you put in the lower rack, maybe that's the reason the bottom is burned. Another reason is your oven temperature is too high since the top cracks. Try to shorten the baking time a bit? When I bake, I observe carefully, adjust the baking time batch by batch. The first batch usually takes longer time, and the last batch takes shorter time as oven become hot. Lastly, I glaze the whole tart with egg wash.

      Hope the above helps.

    2. Hi i did put the tray in the middle rack. I followed accordingly. Maybe i try again and see if its better. Or should i put the baking tray at top rack? Just to check do i have to chill the dough or i can use right after kneading? Do i use electric mixer or just spatula to mix everything?

    3. No need to chill the dough. I use electric mixer.

    4. Hi ok will try again. Hope it turns out gd. Thank you very much.

  15. Hi, may i know how long can we keep the pineapple tart for after baking? Must the container be air-tight?

    1. Hi Jess,

      You need to keep the tarts in air-tight container. As for how long they can be kept, I would say one month is the max as I had experience before.

  16. Hi, the butter should be salt or unsalted?

    1. Hi

      Should be unsalted. However, I tried both, no much difference :)

  17. Hi can I use cake flour instead of plain flour?

    1. Hi,

      Cake flour also can. Just it's more expensive, right? :) Normal flour will do.

  18. Hi, just tried the recipe, great taste! However after baked my crust is quite fragile, easily cracked if I bite half of the tart. Is it supposed to be like that? Or my measurement of ingredient is wrong?

  19. Hi, it's melt-in-the-mouth type, so it's supposed to be soft. I suggest using normal flour as cake flour will make it even softer. Also, type of butter also plays a part. Maybe try to chill the dough before wrapping ?

  20. Hi,

    I made this over the weekend and had raving reviews..all my friends really loved it..however I don't really like such melt in the mouth there anything I can add to make it hold it's shape more? More chewy and less melt in your mouth? Currently it's literally melt in your mouth..and bits of the pastry comes off when I transfer them into containers..

    1. Hi,

      Glad your friend loved it. This is the BEST melt-in-the mouth type, so, if you like to make it less melt in the mouth, maybe can try another recipe in my blog, which is equally good. Or, you can try to chill the dough before wrapping, or reduce the butter and condense milk. It needs some experiment to change the recipe though.

  21. How many pieces of pineapple balls can this recipe produce? Can I half the recipe?

  22. Hi sonia .i was looking at the pineapple tart recipe by come her recipe is exactly like yours
    Very let me know

  23. Any recommendations for brand of butter to use?

  24. Can I check with u what size egg u use ?

  25. How many tarts does this recipe make?


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