Chocolate Cheesecake


我有两个十几年的同学,都在新加坡。一个一年见一次,还是托孩子们的福,拜年的时候才见到。另一个更是只有简讯和电邮,大概有几年没见了吧。上次见面还是因为远在加拿大的朋友来新加坡,把我俩召集在一起。不见面不是心里没有朋友,实在是。。。“宅“ 啊!但是我不得不说,她们始终是我最好的朋友,随时可以一个电话打过去,不会有丝毫的隔膜。
更多的时候,我在自己的空间里庸庸碌碌的过日子。有网友调侃 “岁月犹如一把杀猪刀”,笑过之后,不得不承认它的精辟和犀利。 这把刀在每个人的心里都留下了一些痕迹,不可避免。  惟有珍惜现在的每一天, 找到自己最自如的生活方式。 “宅”也好,“不宅” 也好,愿大家都能有亲情友情的相伴,怡然地度过悠悠岁月。。。

“宅女“昨天做了这个巧克力奶酪蛋糕。上次做Famous Amos 曲奇的时候,买了一公斤的烹饪巧克力,现在又派上了用场。很少做巧克力的糕点,看来以后可以多做些了。

我用了“零失败” OREO 奶酪蛋糕的食谱,只是以融化的巧克力取代OREO,就成了这个巧克力奶酪蛋糕。做之前查了很多方子,可是我发现,有些在奶酪里加牛油(butter),有些加奶油 (heavy cream),还有些加炼乳(condense milk),有点太腻了。我的这个食谱,以低脂鲜奶取代上述那些材料,相对来说更健康一些。更主要的是,口感也相当顺滑细致。身体是最最重要的资本,希望朋友们在享用美食的同时,也想想食材的选择。 既要美味,又要健康。这也是我爱上烘焙后最大的收获。



For Crust
- 300g digestive cookies
- 150g butter (melted)

For Fillings
- 500g cream cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup caster sugar
- 1/2 cup low fat fresh milk
- 200g chocolate (melted)
-  2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
- 2 tablespoons plain flour

To Garnish
- Coco powder
- Berries
  1. Preheat oven to 160 DegC. Grease a 9 inch pan (both bottom and the side of the pan).
  2. Prepare the crust:
    • Place  the cookies in a resealable plastic bag. Flatten bag to remove excess air, then seal the bag.
    • Finely crush cookies by rolling a rolling pin across the bag. Place in bowl.
    • Add butter, mix well. Press firmly onto bottom of the pan.
  3. Beat egg and sugar in a large bowl with electric mixer until fluffy.
  4. Add cream cheese, vanilla essence, flour and milk. Continue mix.
  5. Add melted chocolate,  mix until well blended.
  6. Pour over prepared crust.
  7. Use a water bath, bake for 1hr or until center is almost set (the center of the cheesecake should be just slightly moist when it is ready to be removed).
  8. Remove from the oven. Cool on a wire rack. Loosen the cake from the edge of the pan by running the tip of a knife or narrow spatula between the top edge of the cake and the side of the pan. This allows the cake to pull away freely from the pan as it cools.
  9. Refrigerate overnight before serve.
  10. Garnish with coco powder and berries as you like.


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