
Showing posts from May, 2013

Let's Have Some Snacks: Caramelized Walnuts

难得周五遇到公共假期,可以好好享受一个长长的周末。 昨晚就把闹钟关掉,早上睡到自然醒。准备了两个清爽的小菜作早餐,简单可口。自从有了NESCAFE PICCOLO, 每逢周末,早餐后泡杯摩卡或卡普奇诺,悠闲地坐在家里享受早上的时光。好惬意啊! 要知道这份恬静在平日可是可望而不可及的。每天六点闹钟一响,就开始和时间赛跑,早餐都是在车里吃的。送了孩子们去学校,就直接驾车去公司,晚上到家已经7点了。。。“日出而作,日落而息”? 现在连小学生都做不到,更何况你我这样的上班族? 不过,工作着,还是幸福的。在职场上摸爬滚打了十多年,经历过升职加薪的喜悦,也经历过公司倒闭裁员的无奈。任何时候,都要和自己说,这就是生活,有苦有乐,有得有失。正所谓“塞翁失马,焉知祸福?”  想想最开心的还是第一份工作。同事们都是刚出校门的学生,单纯,热情,心无芥蒂。也有竞争,也有压力,可是那时的笑容是最真诚的。 即使现在大家各奔东西,友谊依然深厚。因为我们一起度过了人生最宝贵的年华,记忆里珍藏着彼此青春的模样 。碰巧看到下面的句子,觉得有点触景生情,贴出来和大家共勉: Friendship means understanding, not agreement. It means forgiveness, not forgetting. It means the memories last, even if contact is lost. 好了,言归正传,既然是周末,当然要好好犒劳一下自己和家人了。做了这个琥珀核桃零食,又香又甜,吃下去,真的停不了口。我喜欢这个食谱,因为核桃没有经过油炸,相对健康一点。当然外面也有卖的,罐装的,可是哪有自己做得新鲜又经济实惠? 至于孩子们,她们又要求 Famous Amos 曲奇 ,已经在烤箱里啦!每次她们都会带一些去学校,和好朋友分享。一来这是她们最喜欢的饼干;二来,她们也想向朋友们“炫耀“她们妈妈的手艺。还好,每次都好评不断。我开玩笑说,改次学校嘉年华会或者慈善义卖,我就做这款饼干,比起棉花糖,爆玉米花之类的,多少健康一点,又好吃,保证大卖! HOW TO MAKE CARAMELIZED WALNUTS (3 MINUTES VIDEO) CARAMELIZED WALNUTS (琥珀核桃...

Cranberry Shortbread, Mother's Day
蔓越莓牛油酥饼, 母亲节

  Last year,  I received "World's Best Mom" award from my younger daughter as Mother's Day gift. I post the "certificate" on the wall in my office. I joked that it took almost 10 years for me to receive this award. It's indeed a tough yet rewarding journey bringing up babies. Looking ahead, parenting a teen would be more challenging. Hope I receive another "certificate" in 5-10 years' time... This year, Mother's Day is just one-week away.  While anticipating "priceless" gifts from my children,  as a daughter,  I have been shopping around for a perfect gift for my mother.  She has brought up 3 of us, and now still helping me take care of my children... No matter what gift I buy for her, I know I am not able to repay her unconditional love to me and my family. I was at Marks & Spencer in Orchard last week. Did not find the perfect gift there, instead, bou...

Lemon Cake

Today is Labour Day, a public holiday in Singapore.  May all the workers here, the blue or white collar, young or old, local or foreigners, happy at work and receive fair treatment. To celebrate, I baked this rich moist Lemon Cake for my family. My daughters like it so much that they would like to reserve two pieces as their breakfast tomorrow. It's an easy-to-make cake, just like the Walnut Cake , simple and yummy. With lemon zest and lemony glaze, this cake is sweet and buttery with fresh citrus taste. I got the recipe from a blog. However, I did not save the link. If you happen to see this recipe from the web, please let me know so that I can link back to the original recipe. I followed exactly the original recipe except for the glaze, which I made slight modification. LEMON CAKE For the cake - 2 cups all-purpose flour - 2 teaspoons baking powder - 1 teaspoon salt - 250g unsalted butter (softened) - 3/...