About me

Hi, welcome to Little Joy Factory.

I am Janette and I am originally from northeastern of China.  I have been living in Singapore for more than a decade.I love travelling,not only to admire the scenery in various geographical regions, but also to savour diversified delicacies.

As much as I would love to set off on a trip to explore a different world,I have developed cooking into a hobby to explore the culinary world right at home. The joy of cooking up new cuisines makes me feel like having an exotic vacation without travelling far.

It's such a rewarding and satisfying hobby! My family enjoyed flavors from all over the world and feel energetic and refreshing everyday. I am not confined to traditional Chinese dishes, I believe gourmet food has no borders.

My kitchen is a little joy factory, where I find great joy and fun. If you like my little joy factory, connect with me through my facebook page (http://facebook.com/littlejoyfactory) . Alternatively, I am also reachable by email (mylittlejoyfactory@gmail.com).

大家好! 欢迎来到小悦工坊。我是小悦, 来自中国北方一个依山傍水的边陲城市。移民到新加坡已经有二十年了。我喜欢旅游,热爱美食。

我相信美食已不再停留在餐馆里,而是深入每一个家庭。我喜欢在家里烹饪美食,既减少浪费又能得到美味, 令自己和家人活力充沛,身心舒畅。我不再局限于华人的传统菜,对用新颖的方式来烹饪美食怀着极大的兴趣,喜欢把世界各地的风味融入到日常烹饪中,一日三餐都美食无国界。

小悦工坊是我的快乐发源地。我享受在这里的时光,享受为家人用心烹饪所带来的那份快乐与自信。如果你也和我一样,是个热爱美食,热爱生活的人,欢迎为我的Facebook网站点个赞。 你也可以通过电邮和我联络:mylittlejoyfactory@gmail.com

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