
Showing posts from June, 2014

Fresh Lemon Bundt Cake for Sizzling Hot Summer

炎炎夏日,你如何度过?朋友以为,我在新加坡这个热带岛国呆了十几年,应该对夏天习以为常了。其实不然。   新加坡的气温常年在26 -30 摄氏度之间徘徊,可是最近骤升到34度。看看家里的电费快要爆表了,就知道躲在有空调的地方是我们"防暑" 的唯一方法。在家开空调,上班公司也有空调。出门无论是驾车还是搭地铁巴士,一路上都有空调。反而在空调的环境生活久了,难得出汗。只好去Gym 做做有氧运动,出出汗,排排毒。 天气热,周末大部分时间躲在家里。去了趟超市采购了一周的水果蔬菜之后,闲来无事, 正好烤个蛋糕。买了几个新鲜的柠檬,驾轻就熟地做了个孩子们最爱的柠檬蛋糕。鲜艳的黄色,看起来很配合夏日的氛围。最喜欢淋在上面的柠檬糖汁,酸酸甜甜,使整个蛋糕绵软润泽,既有牛油的香浓,又不失柠檬的清 凉 。 用了Bundt 烤盘,这款家常蛋糕,华丽大变身,成为一道正餐后亮丽的甜点。 坐在藤制的躺椅上,手里端着杯lemonade , 品尝着自己亲手烘烤的美味蛋糕。看着夕阳西下,此刻才真正体味到“心静自然凉”。。。 FRESH LEMON BUNDT CAKE For the cake 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 250g unsalted butter (softened) 1 cup sugar 3 eggs zest of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 200ml sour cream For the glaze: Juice of a lemon 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 cup icing sugar DIRECTIONS To make the cake: Preheat your oven to 180 DegC Mix flour, baking powder and the salt in a bowl. Cream together butter and sugar with an electric mixer. Add eggs one by one. Beat well after ...

Cake Muffins Worth Queueing for at Shunfu Market

Knowing that I bake muffins, a friend recommended me to try the muffins from Chocolat N' Spice at Shunfu market.  He said Shunfu market - a neighbourhood hawker center,  is famous because of the muffin store.  The snake queue in front of  the muffin store has become an unique scenery of this quiet hawker center. People queueing for muffins? Out of curiosity, I dropped by the store one day during lunch time. Over the one hour stay at the hawer center, I observed an average of 8-9 people in the queue. It has never shortened until all the muffins were sold out.  I bought one box of 6 muffins of different flavours,  priced from $1.30 to $1.60 each.  I chose Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate, Banana Walnut,  Blueberry, Mocha and Cheese . These freshly baked muffins are large, soft with golden domed top, so enticing. Shared with colleagues, everyone was asking me when I would make the next the...