
Showing posts from January, 2015

Air-Fried Panko-Crusted Fish Nuggets with Dill Mayonnaise

Do you love to buy food and groceries in bulks for your family? I do. I loved the Costco experience during the stay in U.S a few years ago. When I heard Fairprice Warehouse Club follows the model of Costco, I was very excited and could not wait to visit it . With the high cost-of-living in Singapore, buying quality goods in bulk definitely helps to reduce cost. Since its opening, I have patronized the warehouse club twice and have spent a few hundred dollars there. 

Mini Yogurt Cake 迷你酸奶小蛋糕

My age must be catching up with me ... I forgot that I bought one pack of Greek yogurt, and bought another pack again. Now  I have 2kg of Greek yogurt in my fridge! Being a cost-conscious housewife, I have to make sure they are consumed before the expiry date. The initial plan for Greek yogurt was to make a healthy cheesecake. With 2kg of Greek yogurt,  I baked different flavours of cheesecakes almost every week.  After 3 weeks, I have used up 1.5kg of yogurt. My family seemed to have had enough of my " cheat cheesecake " for now.

Steamed Stuffed Mushrooms with Minced Meat

送走了忙碌的二零一四年,二零一五年在宁静祥和中悄然降临了。也许是我生日中也带数字15的原因吧,感觉和2015年有着自然的亲近感。那种浮躁疲乏的心境随2014一扫而空,仿佛暴雨过后的清晨,凉爽而清澈。 今天是女儿的生日,标志着她正式步入了青少年时期。而明天, 又是开学的第一天, 她即将展开中学直通高中六年的学习生涯。可以说是女儿生活中里程碑的日子。全家决定好好庆祝一下。一早起来,烤鸡炖鱼,蒸煮烹炸,很有点过年的气氛。饭后女儿自己去取回提前预订的生日蛋糕, 在欢声笑语中点燃蜡烛,许下生日和新年的愿望。。。看着她快乐的脸庞,我的心里也充满了喜悦。 居住在新加坡,感受不到四季的变化,时间仿佛过的格外快。人人脚步匆匆,日出而作,日落而息。 有了假期,又马不停蹄地出国旅游,在忙碌中度过。这样的日子,十年如一日,偶尔会感觉茫然。看到一页页翻过去的日历,有时真的不知道时间都去哪了。庆幸家有少女初长成,让我看到时间流逝带来的惊喜和变化。相信再过六年,我们又会收获另一份成长带来的满足。那么就让时间在指间悄然滑过吧,父母安康,孩子无忧无虑的长大,这就是一切努力和付出的回报了。